Sailors and Marine Oiler Career

Job Description: Stand watch to look for obstructions in path of vessel, measure water depth, turn wheel on bridge, or use emergency equipment as directed by captain, mate, or pilot. Break out, rig, overhaul, and store cargo-handling gear, stationary rigging, and running gear. Perform a variety of maintenance tasks to preserve the painted surface of the ship and to maintain line and ship equipment. Must hold government-issued certification and tankerman certification when working aboard liquid-carrying vessels. Includes able seamen and ordinary seamen.

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Sailors and Marine Oiler Career

Salary Info

Median Annual Wage


Median Hourly Wage


Total Employed Nationally


Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics May 2023 wage data and 2022-2032 employment projections. "Projected growth" represents the estimated change in total employment over the projections period (2022-2032). "Projected job openings" represent openings due to growth and replacement.